Monday 5th September 2016

SRUK First Annual Conference

Our first ever Annual Conference was held in August 2016 and was a great success. It brought together key industry leaders and medical professionals to present on the latest research, methods of diagnosis, treatments and managing the condition.

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Monday 5th September 2016

Fantastic community event in Nottingham

Nottingham local councillor Corall Jenkins recently held a brilliant community event in memory of her husband Stan, who sadly passed away from scleroderma.

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Sunday 4th September 2016

Scleroderma Clinical Research Study Enrolment

This information is intended for residents of the UK Now Enroling Patients with Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis (dcSSc) also called Scleroderma Have you or someone you know been diagnosed with diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis? Would you/they be interested in participating in a clinical research study?

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Thursday 25th August 2016

Finding strength in numbers

“Strength in numbers”: an oft used phrase, but like many such clichés it has evolved to mean different things to different people. For me, as Chief Executive of Scleroderma & Raynaud's UK (SRUK), the only UK Charity dedicated to improving the lives of people with these debilitating autoimmune conditions, ‘strength in numbers’ has multiple meanings. Read Sue Farrington's interview with National Voices.

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Friday 22nd July 2016

Increasing Awareness

During June we launched our first public facing awareness campaign to highlight the signs and symptoms of Raynaud’s and the link between Raynaud’s and Scleroderma.

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Thursday 21st July 2016

Charity Spotlight - OpenCity Inc

Thank you to OPENCITY INC for featuring us this month in their Charity Spotlight. Take a read of the article John Gregory wrote about SRUK.

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Wednesday 6th July 2016

Afternoon Tea

Yun Wah Wan organised this amazing afternoon tea in celebration of the merger between the Scleroderma Society and Raynaud's and Scleroderma Association to for SRUK.

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Monday 13th June 2016

The BSR/BHPR Guideline for Scleroderma - what does it mean for patients?

Over the past 2 years an intensive amount of work has been undertaken to develop the first national UK guideline for treatment of scleroderma. This has been a group effort performed on behalf of the BSR (British Society of Rheumatology) and BHPR (British Health Professionals in Rheumatology) to develop an expert driven evidence based series of recommendations for the management of scleroderma.

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Friday 10th June 2016

SHARE initiative improved paediatric rheumatology care

The European Union funded SHARE (Single Hub and Access point for paediatric Rheumatology in Europe) initiative, which was undertaken in 2012-2015 to improve and release guidelines for diagnosis and management of rheumatic conditions, is facilitating improvement and uniformity of care for paediatric rheumatology patients throughout Europe.

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Saturday 4th June 2016

Childhood Scleroderma: Staying One Step Ahead of a Rare Disease

Clare Pain, MD, consultant pediatric rheumatologist in the Department of Rheumatology at Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust in Liverpool, England, further explained the disease.

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