Share your story

Help to increase understanding of scleroderma by sharing your story.

In our first survey (Nov 2015) you told us that SRUK needed to increase awareness and understanding of scleroderma amongst the general public and our medical professionals. We completely agree and during June we need your support to do this. We want to share your stories with our network via online and print in order to show how scleroderma impacts every day life.

We are particularly interested to hear from you if it took over 3 years to receive a diagnosis of scleroderma, after experiencing your first non-Raynaud's symptom. During June we will be focused on demonstrating the need for earlier diagnosis and we will be launching our first mobile clinic to diagnose Raynaud's and identify people at risk of developing scleroderma.

If you would like to have your story featured in local and national press or radio, then simply complete them form below and we will be in touch.

Share your story

Once your story has been submitted we'll send you a copy via email from and will get back to you if and when your story will be used. If you'd prefer to email in your story please send to

Together we can increase awareness of Scleroderma and Raynaud's. You can get involved throughout June by following us on Twitter and Facebook and sharing our posts with your community.

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