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Developing the Next Generation of Medicine

SRUK co-funds a MRC Clinical Research Training Fellowship to advance research into treatments for interstitial lung disease.

What's New? Upcoming Research on Fibrosis

Welcome to 2022! The new year is a perfect opportunity to look forward and see what upcoming research is on the horizon.

Bring on the good days

Are you having a good day? How we spend our time can have a significant impact on how we feel. We talked to occupational therapist Lucy Reeve about some of the small changes that could make a big difference to our wellbeing and help make every day a little bit better.

Fast-forward to 2040: What does the future hold for Scleroderma?

As we come to the end of 2021, SRUK have been thinking about the new year, and the one after that… and the one after that. In just 12 months, we have seen huge change across the world, which got us thinking, what could things look like in 20 years?

UPDATED: Breaking News - NICE approve Nintedanib for use in PF-ILD, which includes SSc Interstitial Lung Disease

SRUK are pleased to announce that NICE have approved the use of Nintedanib in treating progressive fibrosing interstitial lung disease (PF-ILD)!

2021 Virtual Conference Round-Up

A series of talks took place throughout the day, covering areas of research funded by SRUK, advice on symptom management, and discussions about the future. This article offers a brief overview of each talk as a taster, and in the coming months they will be made available online.

The OCTAVE Study: Scaling up our understanding of vaccine effectiveness in people living with autoimmune conditions

OCTAVE study reveals how effective COVID-19 vaccinations are in immunocompromised participants

Utilizing Ultrasound

Dr Victoria Flower was awarded funding by SRUK to research non-invasive methods of skin assessment in scleroderma. Last month, her work was published in The Journal of Rheumatology, discussing the potential use of High Frequency Ultrasound as a more objective and detailed measure of skin involvement in scleroderma.

Johnny Howley's 3 Peaks Challenge

A father from Greater Manchester, whose six-year-old daughter has the rare autoimmune disease scleroderma, has raised more than £7,000 for SRUK to help fund research into the condition

Open Research - revolutionising the publishing process for SRUK research

SRUK is working with our partners at the Association of Medical Research Charities via their new Open Research Platform, to revolutionise the publishing process for our researchers. This will enable SRUK-funded research groups to publish their work in a streamlined and cost-effective way, with the ultimate goal of translating new knowledge into effective treatments for people living with scleroderma.

What's the outcome? Measuring the effectiveness of new treatments in clinical trials

Clinical trials are the only way to ensure that new treatments are effective. But how exactly does the process work? FInd out why 'outcome measures’ and ‘endpoints’ are crucial, and how SRUK funding is playing a key role in improving the measures used in treatments for scleroderma.

The Link Between Metabolism and Fibrosis in People With Scleroderma

A new study from the UK has identified a possible connection between metabolism and fibrosis in people with scleroderma, with the potential to open up new treatment avenues in the future.