Linear - Tests and Diagnosis


Diagnosis of Linear Scleroderma is usually done by clinical examination. It is often confirmed by skin biopsy. Skin biopsies are usually a very tiny sample of tissue and the procedure is often very quick, easy and with minimal discomfort. Ultrasound has also been found to be useful for the diagnosis of Localised Scleroderma (such as linear).

Blood Tests

Rheumatoid factor isotypes - the presence of RF isotypes is one of the immunological abnormalities of localised scleroderma. IgM RF seemed to be most useful of these three factors to determine the severity of disease.

Antihistone antibodies (AHAs) - AHAs, which traditionally are markers for drug-induced lupus, may also be linked to linear scleroderma. The AHA titers may be related to the extent of involvement as well as disease activity.

Serum Autoantibodies in patients with childhood and adult onset - Childhood onset LScl is similar to adult onset disease in regard to the frequency of serum aAbs. Over two thirds of LScl patients had ANA.

Computerized Skin Score (CSS)

A new computerised method for the assessment of skin lesions in localised scleroderma (LS). CSS (computerised skin score) has shown to be a reliable method to assess the skin lesions in patients with LS. It is reproducible, easy to use and, with the support of the CSS software, applicable worldwide.


Sonographic evaluation of paediatric localised scleroderma can be used in the form of ultrasound.