
Whether or not you have gastro-intestinal symptoms, eating a balanced diet can help you to manage your condition and stay healthy. People are often keen to avoid prescription medications if possible and like to try natural therapies first. These are available from many pharmacies and supermarkets as well as from health food stores.

The gut is affected in up to 90% of patients with systemic sclerosis, so an awareness of nutrition is particularly important if you have this form of the condition.

You may need to try using a combination of methods, either together or separately and at different times of the year to find a regime that works for you. Your doctor or specialist nurse will recommend some treatments for you to try first, however if you decide you want to try different ones (particularly the prescription medications) then you can take this information to your GP who will be able to prescribe a different treatment.

Nutrition and scleroderma

Many people living with scleroderma experience symptoms that can lead to a poor appetite and weight loss. Because of this, it is really important to choose a balanced diet and maintain weight within a healthy range. Doing so may help you to avoid the risk of developing heart, lung and kidney problems.

Some important elements to include in your diet include all of the following:

Calcium is important for healthy bones. Milk and dairy products are good sources of calcium. Other sources of calcium include; fish, dark green vegetables, pulses, seeds, nuts and fortified cereals. If you are taking steroids your body's requirements for calcium will be increased.

Vitamin D is obtained from sunlight and is needed to help absorb and utilise calcium. Vitamin D can also be found in certain fortified foods such as eggs, fat spreads (butter and margarine) and cereals.

Iron reduces the risk of anaemia with an adequate intake. It can be found in red meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dark green leafy vegetables. Drinking a small amount of orange juice can help absorb iron due to the vitamin C content. Tea can reduce iron absorption, so should be avoided at meal times.

Omega 3 fats can help to protect against many diseases including heart disease, and they can reduce inflammation in arthritis. They are also known to have a positive effect on mood. Sources of omega-3 include oily fish (such as sardines, mackerel, pilchards, salmon and fresh tuna), rapeseed oil and walnuts, as well as fortified eggs and margarines.

Eating a balanced diet

If you are managing to keep up a healthy weight, try to ensure that you are having a balanced diet.


The following fruits, vegetables and spices are believed to be particularly helpful for some people in managing scleroderma:

  • Ginger is found by many people to be a powerful anti-oxidant that has anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger may inhibit pain-producing prostaglandins

  • Turmeric contains curcumin, which is also believed to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties

  • Tart red cherries are found by some people to relieve pain and inflammation, if about 20 per day are eaten

  • Fresh pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain that is believed to be a powerful anti-inflammatory; it is also thought to help in the digestion of protein-rich foods. Two to three slices a day may help with recovery from surgery and enhance circulation  

The following foods groups, if tolerated, each offer their own nutritional benefits, which may potentially help with managing a long-term health condition such as scleroderma:

Fruits and vegetables help to reduce pain and inflammation They are also a good source of fibre, and help to regulate blood pressure and blood fats.

Aim for five portions of fruit and vegetable portions per day – one portion = 80g. Be aware that if you have heartburn and reflux, you might be better off avoiding acidic citrus fruits.

Starchy foods are a good source of energy and the main source of a range of nutrients in our diet. As well as starch, they contain fibre, calcium, iron and B vitamins.

Beta-glucan, which is believed to be helpful in managing scleroderma, is found in cereal grains like barley, oats, rye and wheat.

Include at least two portions at every meal – one portion = one slice of bread (40g), two to three heaped tablespoons of rice and pasta, three to four heaped tablespoons of breakfast cereal, or two medium-sized boiled potatoes.

Milk and dairy products are a good source of protein and calcium. Aim for two to three portions of dairy foods per day – one portion = 30g of cheese, one small pot of yoghurt (150ml), or 200ml of milk.

Protein-rich foods help the body to grow and repair, so they are particularly important when you are recovering from surgery or ulcers. Aim for two to three portions of protein per day, including one to two portions of oily fish per week. One portion = 80g of cooked meat, poultry or oily fish, 120g of white fish, three tablespoons of baked beans, red kidney beans, chick peas or lentils, or one to two eggs.

Foods high in fat and sugar can have negative effects on health, so need to be kept to moderate amounts.